Adding a personal touch to your website

Earlier web designing was something only professionals could do. People never thought that they can also create their websites for free. However, the presence of web builder software has changed these things. Even students can learn how to create a website online. This software is made in such a way that you don’t have to depend on anyone. You just have to know what features you can add to make your website amazing. Start-up owners don’t need to learn hardcore coding for these purposes. They all use this platform to take their business to another level. Not only can you create but also add the latest elements that you see online. These are some simple ways in which you can start your web designing task:


Create the layout first: In the beginning, you have to decide what template you want to work on. There are millions of templates that are available in website building software. Discuss with your team which one will look perfect for the brand. You cannot choose a fancy theme if you want it to be professional. It should look bright and interesting so that people can gaze towards it. If the design is good it automatically motivates other viewers to look into it. You will hardly have any traffic if the template that you are using is boring. Each has its way of navigating and engaging with the customers. 


Use a good name and title: This completely depends on the objective and background of your company. The domain name plays an important role as people will share it. When they will share your site with others, the domain name gets copied. Now many companies prefer to use a domain that is easy to read and understand. Even if it is long, others can read and track it easily. You can go to the DNS settings of the website for this purpose. The first time users get to use a custom domain name. After you change it the name will take a few hours for getting activated. 


Design the pages: The number of pages present on your site is also very crucial. You need to link them to form something good and depict. People will come up to your site to get some knowledge or facts. They may also want to know about the products that you create. Hence you need to maintain a proper timeline so that people can access everything. Customize the pages separately and add them once they are formed. If the users find that some pages are not loading, they will get dissatisfied. You need to keep them engaged with more and more information. Before they try to leave make sure that you pop up something interesting for them. They will click on it and try to find more about it. 


Customization: This may sound easy but requires a bit of planning. You need to choose a good background color to make everything attractive. Do not use colors that cause the font to look faded. This will create problems while anyone is trying to read the entire page. You can also use the shaded or textured background for a page. Not every page has to have the same background color. Besides these, you can edit the text size, heading, boldness, font color, etc. You will find some tools to move the texts as a form of heading. 


Add more elements: In the web building software, you will have the option to add multiple elements. Some features like the widgets allow readers to access various parts. It makes it easier to read long pages and search for some texts. You can design the widgets to keep them floating or fixed on your page. Next, you can add certain media files such as photos, audio, videos, GIFs, etc. These make your website look even more innovative. A good web builder knows how to fuse the text with medial files together. Do not overuse the photos as it makes everything irrelevant. Besides, the size of the photos must be perfect for the entire text to fit together. Another great way to engage with the customers is with the help of forms. These allow your website to automatically data and contact info from the users. 


Connecting with other platforms: To increase the reach of your site, you can use Social media. Add links to your website that connects your social media profiles as well. With this, you can get multiple views and likes for your blogs. You can customize the buttons that link all these profiles together.  


Publish it online: Once you are done with the editing, you can release your website. Make sure that you test the website so that it runs on all the platforms. The moment you publish you can paste the URL on another browser and watch it live. 


Conclusion: Creating a website is not that difficult if you have good web builder software

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