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Here’s What Happens to Your Skin When You’re Feeling Stressed

No matter how hard we try, it always seems that stress knows how to find us. Whether it’s school, work, relationships, or everyday life, anxiety is breathing down our necks. It can feel impossible to escape the majority of the time.

It’s nothing new; we are all aware of how stress is not suitable for our health. However, do we know about how stress can affect our skin complexions? This may be surprising to some and obvious to others, but yes, stress can impact your skin.

This may have added more stress to stress out about. However, becoming informed and understanding what happens to the skin when we feel stressed is one step toward reducing fear and anxiety.

Ultimately we can feel stressed when something is entirely unknown. Wondering how to pay bills or work through life-changing situations isn’t always straightforward. Not only can it affect your overall health, you will also notice a difference in your skin.

What exactly happens to our skin during stress? What preventative measures can be implemented to reduce the impacts of tension? Well, you are not alone, and there are many solutions to help you become more aware of your daily habits.

How Can Stress Affect The Skin?

We all know that stress impacts the nerves and how the body feels. Stress allows the body to release chemicals like Cortisol, Adrenaline, Norepinephrine, etc. All of which can negatively impact our immune system, nerves, and even our skin.

What does stressed skin look like? Well, what first comes to mind is red, irritated skin. That could mean something different for everyone. Some people will have more breakouts, and acne will be the main side effect. For others, it can be hives or eczema.

Stress can instantly change our skin when we produce the chemicals mentioned above. You may also notice various rashes pop up on the skin, or you may see how sensitive your skin reacts to other external or environmental elements.

According to Arizona Dermatology, there are various reactions our skin can create due to stress. It includes the following:

  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles
  • Eczema
  • Acne
  • Dryness
  • Itching 
  • Cold Sores 
  • Rashes and Redness

These are only some of the symptoms or side effects that stress can induce upon your skin complexion. Of course, everyone is different. Some may notice specific skin reactions that other individuals don’t and vice versa.

The most counterproductive thing we can say or do while stressing is to tell ourselves to “just calm down.” There is something about that phrase that can induce even more stress than before. Serotonin is what your body really needs to reduce stress.

How To Manage Stressed Skin

Thankfully, skin reactions caused by stress are easily treatable. It doesn’t have to be overly complicated either. There are multiple activities, methods, and products that can help combat or reduce your stressed-out skin complexion.

For starters, certain skincare products can help prevent specific outbreaks even if you find yourself in a stressful situation. Gentle cleansers, BHA treatments, or anti-aging products like Retinoids can help protect the skin even if you need to handle some stress.

Pierre Michel Beauty reviews the Derma RPX Anti-Wrinkle Cream to determine the benefits and adverse side effects regarding the prevention of aging. This can be beneficial to read through if your skin’s stress indicators are wrinkles or fine lines. See the full Derma RPX review on their website.

There are various other methods to reduce stress that are not skincare products. Getting enough sleep, exercising, implementing deep breathing techniques, eating well, and even reaching out for help can reduce your stress and impact on the skin.

The Takeaway

Seeing a dermatologist can also be highly beneficial in understanding what your skin goes through while you stress. This can help figure out a solution for your needs.

Once you understand and figure out a game plan, that sense of security can also lower stress levels. These chemicals that our body releases under stress should be monitored, especially when it comes to the state of our skin.

Luckily, it is treatable. Adjusting your lifestyle can benefit the skin in various ways. Whether it be implementing a new product in your skincare routine, changing your diet, sleeping more, or seeing a physician, you can improve the skin.

You’ll be able to notice the difference between these small changes once stress takes over again, except this time you will be more prepared. Stressful situations always come and go, but you can’t replace your skin, take care of it.

Interesting Related Article: “The Best Skincare Routine for Your Skin Type

from Health – Market Business News https://ift.tt/2RliQqb

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