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How custom mobile chats can bring tangible business value across industries

Mobile chats are increasingly used in many businesses to establish a contact with customers or drive collaboration with partners and colleagues. But if you want to take this interactivity to the next level, go beyond simple texting — with a custom mobile chat app.

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High-quality voice messaging, multi-party video calls, chatbots, these and other features implemented in your tailored solution can help tackle your domain-specific challenges. And here’s how:

Driving more sales

In e-commerce, nothing screams interactivity louder than mobile messengers, and in the majority of cases, they can become the glue that holds your business with customers. No matter what you sell — products or services — shoppers might need additional help. And depending on the query complexity, you can give automatic chatbot-based replies or provide personalized audio and video consultations.

For example, AI-fueled chatbots previously trained on valuable data can give information on item details that can’t be found on the website, payment options including deferred payment, delivery methods and fees, and loyalty program availability.

However, if clients need more personalized help around product showcasing, usage instructions, or related items recommendations, leverage audio or video conferencing. Such online consultations will help you strengthen customer loyalty, increase engagement and satisfaction, as well as convert client interest into dollars.

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Improving remote care quality

Driven by constant COVID lockdowns, online care continues gaining traction. Emergency help, mental health consultations, eldrely care coordination — these are only a few examples of how mobile chats can accelerate value-based care. And if in some spheres a ready-made solution is enough to address key business needs, healthcare requires custom development due to strict security restrictions.

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According to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), online visits via mobile or any other device have to be confidential and private. And to protect sensitive patient information transmitted during video and audio calls, session recording, screen sharing, and files exchange, the solution should comply with a number of technical safeguards and controls.

Among them are rock-solid permission management and role-based access control that presuppose giving access to video conferencing, chats, and medical files only to properly authorized user groups. Other safeguards include end-to-end encryption and decryption, two-factor person and/or entity authentication, activity logs and audit controls management, and more — the aspects that can be implemented only in a tailored solution.

Enhancing learning interactivity

E-learning is another sphere where custom mobile chats are touted to maximize value — across corporate training, special education, language learning, education for kids, and more.

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First, your mobile solution can be customly developed to enable utmost scalability — through latency-driven architecture design, CDN strategy implementation, and autoscaling based on load level. This way, you’ll be able to ensure stellar learning experiences for thousands of learners during lecture broadcasts.

Also, with custom chats you can implement on-demand features, including computer vision-powered student identification, VR chat support, chatbot-fueled gamification, and second screening.

On a final note

Given its flexibility and precision, custom mobile chats drive considerable benefits. And even though off-the-shelf apps might seem the better option in the beginning, in the long term, businesses like e-commerce, healthcare, and e-learning get much more value from tailor-made communication tools.

About the author

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Yana Yelina. (Image Source: https://twitter.com/yana_yelina)

Yana Yelina is a Technology Writer at Oxagile, a software development company based in the USA. Her articles have been featured on KDNuggets, ITProPortal, Datafloq, Techwell, and more. Yana is passionate about the untapped potential of technology and explores the perks it can bring businesses of every stripe. You can reach Yana at yana.yelina@oxagile.com or connect via LinkedIn or Twitter.

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