The chances are you stumbled across this article because you’re trying to find a way to improve your social media strategy. Your growth and engagement have come to a halt; maybe you’re even losing followers and likes faster than you can keep up.
And you aren’t sure why this is happening.
There are several possible reasons your social networks aren’t doing the job. The good news is, you can absolutely come back from this.
Let’s take a look at four of the top most likely reasons your social media strategy needs a reboot.
1. You Stopped Posting
This one might seem obvious. If you aren’t posting, you’re not going to see engagement. You have to provide an obvious reason, right from the top of your profile, why someone should want to return to your page and continue to follow your business online.
Or maybe you are posting … but only once or twice a week, and in a random pattern of days and hours. Here are two helpful hints to start rethinking your content plan of action.
- Be Consistent
- Be Strategic
First, you want to be consistent about releasing your social media content. You ought to post regularly on the same days and at the same times throughout each week.
But how can you know when the best time to post is? That’s why you have to start being more strategic.
Take a look at the insights, metrics, and analytics on your social networks. Try to ascertain which days and times have had the most successful posts.
What we mean by successful is what turns up when you identify the posts that elicited the most engagement, from comments and saves to sharing and reposting.
From there, you can start developing a calendar for your social content and schedule your future posts. You can automate the process, which will save time and ensure your followers consistently receive content so they see, enjoy, and (you hope) share it.
2. You’re Not Engaging
Social media means creating a community. If your business is not taking an active part in the conversation within its communities, you’re missing out on potential customers.
Engage on other influencers’ social media accounts. Join groups on Facebook and LinkedIn. Repin other company’s posts that are relevant to your industry (although you should make sure they aren’t a direct competitor first!).
Engaging on other platforms shows the various social media algorithms that you are active on the platform. It tells them you aren’t simply spamming your followers with content.
3. You’re Spamming Your Followers
Speaking of spamming, if you post constantly and don’t see positive results, you probably need to fix your content immediately. There is such a fault as over-posting to your profiles.
According to Relevance, a leading company in the digital marketing industry, you want to “post at least once per day, but no more than three times per day.” The idea is to focus on creating quality content, not quantity.
Too much and you oversaturate. Quite frankly, that can be incredibly annoying. Imagine if all you saw as a customer were ten consecutive posts in a row, all about a company’s latest products. You’d unfollow them, wouldn’t you?
Content should be both educational and entertaining. If you can provide valuable insights that set you apart from your competitors, that will make you a leader in your industry.
This creates trust and shows you have genuine knowledge that can be useful for your followers. See how it all ties together?
4. You Ignore Your Audience’s Needs
Why does your audience need what you are selling? Why would they want to come to your profile?
One incredibly important thing to remember is that prospective customers need something. They need to fix a problem with their plumbing or figure out how to be happier in their marriage.
They’re seeking a plumber or searching for a counselor. What they need is your help.
If followers are dropping like flies, it’s because you may only be focusing on your need to generate more sales. This may suggest you’ve stopped caring about the customer. You’ve stopped focusing on your audience’s need to have their problem solved.
Now that we’ve given you a few ideas about what you shouldn’t be doing with your social media strategy, you should perform an audit of all your social channels. Start figuring out which pieces need more attention or which content could be reworked.
Find out what’s broken so you can start making the necessary changes to fix the issue. Like we said before, it’s never too late to bounce back and come back out on top.
Interesting related article: “What is Digital Marketing?“
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