The recent unprecedented shift of businesses from working in largely office-based environments to having significant remote workforce components has also prompted a lot of other changes in the way that businesses operate day to day in a post-pandemic landscape. One of these changes is the boom in the need for enhanced employee monitoring.
This isn’t just for secure information or protected data, like financial or payment information, or personally identifiable customer information, but also for mundane things like productivity and timekeeping.
Since you don’t have the ability to stop by an employee’s desk and see how they’re doing on a particular project, or to have a time punch corrected, there has been a large need for a pivot and adaptation. Here are some of the best ways to implement monitoring processes with your employees.
1. Make An Effort To Be Transparent With Your Employees
This is incredibly important. Many employees can become distrustful or even suspicious of a sudden rollout of monitoring software or associated policies. However, when these transitions happen after an open and honest discussion of the reasons and expected results, the reception is often much warmer.
Explain how data will be collected, what data will be collected, and how that data will then be used. Use this opportunity to assuage any fears of privacy invasion as well.
2. Incorporate Self-Monitoring Tools
Many effective monitoring tools can be properly used by the employees themselves, on an entry-by-entry basis. These tools often include things like activity logs, project roadmaps, and team checklists, to help individuals and teams more effectively track their progress and mark items with differing priorities as completed.
Some will even find success in having their teams being using an employee hours tracker, rather than traditional time clock punching or managed payroll services. This means that the entire payroll process can be streamlined, from initial data entry and time logging. Even corrections and audits are no problem.
3. Make Sure There’s A Carrot At The End Of That Stick
If you are going to monitor with the intention of ruling compliance and adherence with an iron fist, you will find that your morale diminishes quickly. By offering the velvet glove instead, and rewarding compliance and solid work hustle, you can create an incentivized monitoring system.
Some even go as far as to gamify their monitoring and timekeeping processes. Handsomely rewarding employees who not only follow corporate policies but also adhere to schedules and timeframes the closest. By using this method, you can increase compliance and morale simultaneously.
4. Continually Evaluate Your Systems For Bias
It’s important that even when you feel your system is operating well, to continually and consistently inspect and evaluate it for potential bias or discrimination. This means making sure that your system isn’t putting disproportionate pressure on marginalized populations. In most cases, this means monitoring the level of scrutiny of junior roles, where marginalized populations are often found to occupy more positions.
5. Get First-Hand Accounts
Sure, technological monitoring is often the most thorough and detailed, but it’s also the most dispassionate. One of the best ways to monitor your employees is to simply ask around and get a sense of what others think of their performance. Talk to other employees, customers, clients, vendors, and so on.
While you may get some feedback that will need to be taken with a grain of salt, you may also get some surprising information. This isn’t about impressions, it’s about details and descriptions. Make sure you keep up with these channels as well, so that you can leverage a constant stream of information.
from Business – Market Business News