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What is a weight station?

Finding out the weight of trucks is actually quite difficult, but there is still a way out. Weight stations allow you to get information about the truck and draw conclusions about the compliance with the rules. The installation of such systems is common throughout America, and fleet management and its weight is conducted by the relevant department.

Features of modern weight stations

The first versions of the stations were effective, but not very convenient. Drivers had to drive up to a weighbridge, and it took a long time. The transition to modern weight stations took place not so long ago. Test results showed that the technology merited a second life.

Today’s weight stations do not require the truck to come to a complete stop. The weight of the vehicle is determined on the move. The use of special technology allows it to determine the weight of the vehicle and transmit the data to the observation point. Employees decide on the next steps to take.

Drivers call weigh stations “henhouses”. Location near the checkpoints allows not only to make an inspection, but also to stop the vehicle. If safety violations are detected, the truck stops moving.

Why are weight stations used

The direct function of the stations is to determine the weight of the vehicle. Large trucks have restrictions, so it is necessary to monitor compliance with these requirements. Inconsistencies are detected fairly quickly, so you can’t cheat the system.

The weight station is used for several tasks:

  1. Preventing departure. It is forbidden for trucks whose weight exceeds the established norms to move. The decision to stop driving along the way helps prevent damage.
  2. Payment of taxes. Transportation of some goods is taxable. The amount can be determined by weighing the truck in movement. The results of this procedure are used to create an invoice.

The possibility to determine the exact weight of trucks made it possible to prevent violations of the requirements. Large vehicles cause damage to roads and highways. Waiting for the upcoming weighing is a guarantee that the weight meets regulations.

How weighing is done at stations

There are different requirements for the weight of vehicles with goods, so weight stations are located at state borders. Inspectors oversee the mandatory verification and make decisions regarding the further route of travel.

There are two types of stations:

  1. Portable. Portable scales are used in areas where there is not enough space to install a full weight station. If necessary, they can be moved to properly check trucks when they enter isolated roads.
  2. Stationary. These weigh stations are located near state lines. Weigh stations are located near buildings where inspectors perform verification.  

Weigh stations are available for trucks weighing more than 10,000 pounds. Because the requirements vary, it’s worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the terms of the weighing procedure beforehand. Violations of the rules and lack of information about the mandatory weighing will be a reason for stopping the vehicle.

Law enforcement officers are positioned near the stationary stations and check the results of weighing. Absence of the ticket, confirming the passing of the procedure, means that the driver will have to go back and get the document of confirmation.

It is not always possible to enter the stationary weight stations. In cases of high traffic volume a visit to the station is not obligatory. The driver can independently determine the possibility of entering the stations, using convenient applications and light indicators. 

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