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How Using a Freight Company Can Help You Grow Your Clothing Drop Shipping Business

The huge surge in clothes shopping online has meant entrepreneurs have seen an even greater number of opportunities for building their e-commerce fashion brands in recent years. Unlike some of the big retailers who also do online sales, smaller and more agile drop shipping businesses can operate with much greater speed. Whereas a big retailer might buy their next season’s lines six months or more in advance, with drop shipping, you can respond to the latest micro-trends and even weather conditions.

This is because dropshipping means being able to accept order online through your e-commerce platform and then have the supplier ship it directly to your customer. What’s more, it is often the case that the customer will not even be aware that the garments they have ordered haven’t come directly from you. How would using a specialist freight company help to grow this sort of business model, though?

Lower Storage Costs

To begin with, we should look at why freight companies are so beneficial to drop shipping enterprises from the point of view of cost savings. Without needing to have a large warehouse to store clothes in, you can simply use the courier as your temporary storage facility. Most good freight companies will place clothing orders into containers that are shared with other items of general cargo. If the clothes you are shipping come straight out of that container to be forwarded directly to your customer, then you won’t have to pay for storage space, freeing up capital for further investment.

Obtain Stock From Anywhere

According to Barrington Freight, a freight forwarding company based in Essex, using a specialist firm means being able to obtain clothes from suppliers globally. This means being able to find cheaper suppliers or ones which are producing the goods your customers want right now. Many clothes are made in China these days which means you’ll need to get your VAT and customs declarations right or your deliveries will be held up in UK ports. That’s something your freight company can sort out whether your orders are coming from India, Bangladesh, Indonesia or anywhere else.

Move Orders Rapidly

It is not just container ships that move clothes these days. Such commodities, especially when they are high-end, tailored items, are often just as effectively moved by courier or by air freight. If your customers are willing to pay the price for express delivery, then why not offer it to them and steal a march on your competitors? With an experienced freight company organising your logistics, this all becomes much simpler.

Increase Customer Satisfaction

Overall, getting items that have been ordered on time is what British fashion consumers want. Deliver that to them and your client satisfaction ratings and customer feedback will improve. In turn, this will give would-be customers more confidence and help to boost future sales growth. By outsourcing the logistical side of achieving this to a specialist freight business, you can concentrate on what really counts – marketing, finding new clothing ranges and dealing with increased sales!

Interesting Related Article: “What is Freight? Definition and Examples”

from Business – Market Business News https://ift.tt/3wIj379

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