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The Best Practices for Staying COVID-Free During Events

It goes without saying that these past years have been quite a wild ride for all of us. We have seen people struggle with sickness, some of them dying, some of them recovering but still having issues, and others left mentally scarred both by the restrictions and the media panic itself.

With such a scenario in our hands and with the end of the pandemic still relatively far, as it would seem, what can we do to stay healthy and avoid infecting others? There are a few key things to consider:

Vaccines or Pills

The current set of available vaccines are still somewhat controversial, in the sense that many people don’t really trust them. However, many medical personalities have stated time and time again that they are, for the most part at least, quite effective at stopping an infection or at least helping you have an easier time getting through it.

It’s your choice whether to get it or not, and we don’t want to influence your decision. The second best thing you can do is use one of the currently available pills to treat yourself in case you have symptoms. You can also take Zinc, Vitamin C, and other similar supplements to give your immune system a boost.

Practice Distancing

It’s preferable that you stay about six feet or two meters away from other people when gathering in large groups, especially when gathering inside. Any Covid-friendly gathering should take into consideration how much space there is available for practicing the optimum distance requirements.

Even if you’re with someone who’s infected in the same space, your chances of catching the virus are significantly lower if you stay away from that person. In any case, it’s not the perfect time for hugging strangers.

Respect Hygiene Protocols

Wash your hands and avoid touching your face or your mask altogether. Encourage others to also wash their hands before entering the building and, if soap and water aren’t available, you can use a hand sanitizer that has at least 60% alcohol. Either way, hygiene is of utmost importance given the current scenario.

Speaking of hygiene, if you’re using a reusable mask, consider washing it with hot water and soap after every use. If you use it daily, then you should wash it daily. However, you should only put it back on your face after it’s completely dry.

Wear a Mask (Unless You Can’t for Medical Reasons)

We’re pretty sure you’ve heard this time and time again, but many people often forget that not everyone can wear a mask (and it’s not necessarily because they wouldn’t want to).

For instance, babies under two years of age, or, in many cases, even children of five years of age and under, can’t wear masks because it restricts their airflow way too much. Similarly, people with asthma and other respiratory problems should also avoid using a mask. It is up to the other participants to wear their masks correctly to protect these individuals and themselves.

As we have seen in the past, renouncing masks as long as other safety measures are in place may not always result in an infection. Of course, every person is different, and some are more prone to getting infected than others, just the same that others will develop a more nasty version of the disease and others will go through it easy-peasy.

The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, what’s most important is that we respect the government’s guidelines and stop panicking. So far, panicking has only made things worse. It’s important that we eventually learn to go back to normal, but with care, so that we may stop the appearance of new variants of the virus.

Here’s hoping to see you healthy and may we get to the end of this pandemic sooner rather than later! Feel free to leave us a comment down below and share your opinion with us.

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