As the gig economy grows, many people are turning to freelancing or short-term work, rather than pursuing a role with one company. Even as this economy expands, your business can always find ways to attract and retain the top talent out there.
But what is the best way to do this? And how exactly can delving into the gig economy benefit your company overall?
There are countless tried and tested ways to make your company stand out against competitors, enticing the best talent to want to work for you. It’s simply a case of highlighting the many positive reasons why a potential employee would want to join your team!
In this article, we share a few top tips on the best ways in which to hire in the gig economy in 2022.
What is the Gig Economy?
Simply put, the gig economy is the term used for businesses that choose to hire short-term, temporary employers or freelancers, as opposed to permanent contracted staff members. The name derives from workers getting paid for the ‘gigs’ they do rather than at a set monthly wage. The benefit of doing so is that this provides both businesses and freelancers with a flexible working approach.
Job Role Requirements
One of the first things on your to-do list when working within the gig economy, is determining what requirements need to be met for a particular job role. This is vital when going into the hiring process. Not only will this help you write a more accurate job spec for your potential employees, but it should also help to cut down your applications, leaving only the best candidates who have the relevant skills and knowledge that the business is seeking for the job role in question.
Be an Attractive Hirer
Showcasing yourself and your company as a positive place to work for will help increase the number of applications you receive – as well as boosting the quality of the applicants themselves. Highlighting key perks within your business helps to cement a positive reputation for your brand.
Update Your Tools
Freelance and gig economy working will naturally take a different approach to your hiring process for full-time permanent contracts. As freelance staff come and go in large numbers, ensure your HR department has sufficient systems in place, such as a seamless payment solutions on an open banking platform, to take on the extra admin that comes with a roster of frequently changing workers.
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from Business – Market Business News