The interior finish on your pool can change the way it looks on every level. There are a few different options to choose from. When you meet with the expert pool builders at Flōridian, they will go over the different options you can choose. To prepare, we’ll go over three popular types of interior finishes.
Pebble is one of the most expensive options you can choose for the interior finish of your pool. However, it’s also one of the most durable and luxurious. Pebble has a distinct, decorative look that helps keep your pool looking great for a long time. The composition (which includes Marcite plaster mixed with a pebble aggregate blend) ensures that your pool will never fade, stain, or chip.
You can customize the way the pebble looks, too. Some pebble aggregates include smaller pieces of pebble. Some are so small that they look like sand instead. They don’t actually get very big, so most will seem small until you compare them with other types of pebble aggregates.
Installing pebble finish is a little more difficult than any of our other options, and may require installation over multiple days. This finish can come in a variety of colors, so there are plenty of customization options for your pool. These pebbles can be used to stunning effect to create very specific aesthetics.
Because of the way pebble looks, it’s easy to make your pool look like a riverbed, lake, or a beautiful tropical pool. You can expect a pebble finish to last up to 15 years. Though it’s more expensive in the beginning, it might end up being a better choice for long use.
Marcite, on the other hand, is the least expensive pool finish option. This plaster is traditionally used in most pools. It’s a mixture of cement and other additives, mixed with some marble dust for durability. However, because it is the least expensive option, it also doesn’t last as long as the other finishes we’re looking at here.
You can expect a Marcite finish to last at least 8 years, and sometimes up to 12. However, the surface can be worn down by hard water and pool chemicals, which you’ll likely already be using. There is also another drawback: you can’t dye it many colors. While the other options here can come in a variety of colors to create beautiful designs, Marcite can only be dyed in blue and grey shades.
This means that it’s less versatile, but you can still create a dark-bottomed design that fits with your aesthetic. When using Marcite, making sure that your pool water is perfectly balanced can make all the difference. The good news is that you can always refinish your pool with one of the other finishes if you decide Marcite isn’t what you want.
Starting here and then refinishing in another type may cost more in the long run, but it gets the job done up-front. It just depends on how you want to design your pool.
Quartz finishes are made from a blend of tumbled quartz pebbles and Marcite plaster. The result is beautiful and durable, creating a nonporous surface that is resistant to stains. It also doesn’t erode nearly as quickly as Marcite alone, even with pool chemicals and pH imbalances. This is a great middle-of-the-road option that offers durability and customization.
That’s because the quartz aggregate mixture can come in a ton of colors. It has a sparkly finish that makes your pool look great, especially with the right lighting. Whatever aesthetic you’re going for, a quartz finish can help you achieve it a little easier.
Quartz finishes aren’t as expensive as pebble, and they can last between 10 and 15 years on average.
Now that you know the basics about each type of finish, you’ll have a better time discussing the options with your pool builder. Ask about the other options available as well. Some builders offer different options, and some might be better suited to your need than the ones presented here. Either way, the South Florida pool builder you choose will be able to advise you about the materials that fit your budget and your desired aesthetic.
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