Most organizations treat marketing and sales as completely separate which is why they miss out on the overlap between the marketing and the sales department. In the case of big organizations with complex hierarchies, it is understandable but if you are running a small or medium business you cannot afford for your marketing and sales departments to be completely disconnected and separate. And from the useless perspective, he does not care whether you are from the marketing department or sales department he cares only about his problem getting solved. This is why in this article we will cover a simple six-step Marketing cum sales funnel that any small or medium-sized business can implement to ensure top-quality service for the end-user.
Before we start, these six steps might look daunting to start with, but using a simple B2B CRM or cloud-based telesales management software can make it super easy for you to implement this funnel.
Now let’s start with the 6 step funnel.
Identify the target audience
In any marketing or sales funnel the first and most important step is identifying who the target audience is, forming a user persona, and then creating your marketing and sales funnel targeting that specific user persona only!
Otherwise, you will try to be everything to everyone and you will end up being nothing to no one.
If you want to take this to the next level you can form a fictional character as your ideal consumer/user or client. Then you can define his attributes and characteristics. Finally, you can use this particular persona as the target audience for all your marketing and sales funnels.
Build and test your message
Once you have designed your user persona next step is to build and test your marketing message on that user persona. One simple way to quickly hack your way through this is – by running Facebook ads targeting that specific user persona with several variations of your message. Very soon you will know which specific marketing message is working and then you can double down on that particular marketing message and weed out the rest.
Reach your audience where they are
Once you have figured out your marketing message that works with your target audience, the next step is to make sure that your marketing message becomes visible to as many of your target audience as possible. The best way to do this is to find out where your target audience is and to make your marketing message visible to them on the platform where they hang out. Depending on your area of expertise and the service that you are offering it would be social media platforms or it could be mediums like Bulk SMS or Bulk WhatsApp
Make them interested and get them to take action
Once your audience is your message the next step is to, make them interested and get them to take action. For example, if somebody saw your message and he is interested now your funnel has to make him interested enough to take action and submit their details. Because it’s only when they submit their details and become a lead, can the process of selling actually start!
Take very good care of the leads generated
Most people do things right and tell here they generate leads, but once the leader is generated they don’t take very good care of those leads. You as a business would be generating hundreds of leads per day. But from the lead’s perspective if he is neglected and then nothing else matters to him. He forms an opinion that this business does not take proper care of its customers. And once he forms that opinion, you can bet that he is not going to buy from you no matter how good your salespeople are!
Plus one thing that you have to understand is taking good care of the lead generated is not that hard you just have to use the right tools and make sure
- Every lead is contacted immediately or at least as soon as possible (not more than an hour’s delay between the mean getting generated and the first point of contact)
- The salespeople in your team are trained to actively listen to the problems and understand their condition and give an assurance that they do have a solution.
- Finally, the delivery team has to coordinate with the sales team to give a viable next step along with a plan to the prospect all the customer
All this involves the customer or prospect interacting with multiple people from your team and can be messy unless you have the right tools in place to actively manage everything.
This is why using a tool like TeleCRM can help sort your entire sales process out.
Delight customers after-sales is closed to upsell and increase revenue
If the first point of contact is done right and the customer comes with a relevant problem then it should be relatively easy to close the sale but the next step is the most important one. Because this is where you build a relationship with your customers and discover more of their needs that you can solve for them thereby creating opportunities for your business to sell more to your existing customers and generating more revenue without having to chase more leads.
Selling more or generating more revenue is not that difficult you just have to take care of the basics and keep the execution on point. That is you have to make a plan once and you have to keep coming back and executing that plan again and again with your entire team pretty soon you will have a process in place that generates high revenues and creates a platform for your business to grow!
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