In Germany, many consumers are underinsured or overinsured. Some consider insurance unnecessary because they don’t trust the insurance companies, while others want the best possible protection and take every insurance policy the market offers without paying attention to whether areas of life are covered more than once by this practice. Insurance comparisons help to find the optimal balance.

How we live today and die tomorrow
Insurance must not only take effect during a consumer’s lifetime, but also when he or she passes away. Society likes to avoid the topic of death, yet we know that one day it will hit each of us. The question is what we want to do and experience until then. Do we stay single or fall in love and live together with a partner? Perhaps we will also start a family and thus bear responsibility for young lives.
Everything starts with the analysis of one’s own way of life and the current as well as medium-term future situation. Insurances are to be coordinated with life planning and not vice versa. In addition to the family role, the job and leisure activities must also be taken into account. If the job is very risky, that there is a high risk of accidents or that retirement has to be taken early, then a good accident insurance and additional pension provision is needed. This is because the state often does not close the gaps in provision despite high contribution payments in the course of a person’s working life.
Climbing hills, taking a selfie on a cliff, riding a bike through the countryside or jumping out of a flying plane are high-risk activities that many people enjoy doing in their free time. A good accident insurance policy tailored for the high-risk area will protect against personal insolvency if the worst comes to the worst.
View all insurance documents once
Now, before looking for insurance on, it is a matter of checking which policies have already been taken out. Often we do not remember because the first insurance policies were taken out when we started our education and have been active for 20 or more years.
Is the insurance cover agreed there sufficient or are there even overlaps between the insurance policies? Is it necessary to have a separate death insurance policy if death is already covered by accident insurance and life insurance, both of which together cover all of life’s risks? If you can’t figure it out on your own, get help from counseling centers. Among other things, debt counseling centers also offer analyses regarding premium payments for insurance policies. Consumer protection agencies are also available to provide advice and assistance.
Carry out an insurance comparison
It couldn’t be simpler, just call up the comparison platform, enter your data and all the insurance options are displayed. How much these are worth depends on how many insurers a platform works with, for which the platform operator is compensated if it manages to get a policyholder to take out insurance with the potential provider. Platforms only help to a limited extent, and the options displayed there must be compared directly with the insurer’s offers, because in some cases it turns out that taking out insurance directly is cheaper than via a comparison platform.
Insurance companies must have a good service, so other customer experiences online must also be consulted, and logical common sense must be used to assess them. If the same user gives an insurance company several negative or conspicuously positive ratings, it may be a bot. Fake and bought reviews are part of everyday life online.
With regard to the term of the contract, consumers should be careful not to commit themselves for too long, so that they can change insurance if necessary, without being financially charged for it. Discounts only make sense if there is no immediate premium increase when the insurance benefit is claimed.
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