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How to Promote Motivation in the Workplace

How can you boost your employees’ motivation in the workplace? It’s important to set clear goals, create a culture of trust and transparency in the workplace and encourage autonomy. Here are some other tips for employers to consider:

Set clear goals

Setting clear goals is a crucial part of any project. However, it’s often the first thing that gets pushed aside in favor of getting started on a task.

If you’re planning to update your office’s decor, you may start looking at what furniture you need and what furniture you already have. You might even take measurements and make some sketches of how everything will look when it’s done! But before you go any further than that, stop for a moment and ask yourself why exactly are doing this? What are your motivations for making these changes? What benefits do they bring to both your work environment and your employees’ productivity?

Once these questions have been answered then set some goals based on those motivations: What do want to achieve by the end of next month? In three months’ time? Six months down the road? Will changing out all our desks help us become more efficient as we collaborate more in meetings? Or would countertops with built-in charging stations make using tablets easier than ever before (and impress clients)? Is there something else happening within our office space that makes creating an inspiring workspace important right now…

Make sure there are opportunities for career development

One of the most important things you can do to motivate your employees is to provide opportunities for career development. Encourage them to learn new skills and take on new responsibilities, so they feel like they are growing in their roles.

Focus on work-life balance and wellbeing

  • Focus on work-life balance and wellbeing.
  • Promote mental health awareness among your employees. Encourage them to take time for themselves and their loved ones, whether that means taking a short break from work or prioritizing family over extra hours at the office.
  • Make sure you have clear policies in place that protect your employees’ well-being and prevent burnout, such as minimum standards for hours worked per week, limits on overtime, and paid vacation days.

Learn how to give effective feedback

Provide feedback that is timely, specific, honest, constructive and focused on the future.

It is important to note that feedback should be respectful of the person receiving it. In addition to being timely, specific and honest (see below), your feedback should also be actionable. This means that you can explain how your employee can apply what they have learned from their mistakes or successes in order to improve in their performance at work. Feedback should always be given in private so as not to embarrass or humiliate an employee who may need guidance or coaching on a particular task or function of their job responsibilities.

Create a culture of trust and transparency in the workplace

When you have a trust-based workplace, it’s easier to motivate your team members because they know that you have their best interests at heart. In this type of environment, employees feel secure and encouraged to take risks without worrying about the consequences.

When building trust in the workplace (or any other organization), transparency is key. You want to make sure that your employees know what’s going on at every level so there are no surprises or disappointments when things don’t go according to plan. If something goes wrong and someone is unhappy with their performance review but doesn’t understand why, they might be less likely to perform well next time around if they feel like their input wasn’t valued during the planning stage.

Encourage autonomy and flexible working hours, where possible

  • Flexible working hours, where possible, can help employees balance their work and personal lives.
  • Flexible working hours can also help you retain staff by making it easier for them to get home in time for dinner.
  • It might sound like a no-brainer, but flexible working hours are an effective way to attract new talent as well.
  • In addition, they’re one of the easiest ways to reduce your carbon footprint by encouraging staff members who would otherwise drive long distances from home or child care centers.

Be supportive of your employees’ personal goals

One of the most important things you can do as an employer is to be supportive of your employees’ personal goals. Your employees are human beings, and like all humans, they have personal goals outside of work. To help them achieve these goals, you should:

  • Provide a flexible schedule so they can take time off when necessary (such as for doctor’s appointments)
  • Help them find extra resources that may be helpful in achieving their outside-of-work goal (such as financial planning or weight loss programs)
  • Ask your employee how you can help them track the progress they make toward their outside-of-work goal

Employers can encourage motivation and productivity by setting clear goals, providing opportunities for career development and supporting their team members.

To promote motivation and productivity, employers can:

  • Set clear goals for the team.
  • Provide opportunities for career development.
  • Support their team members’ personal goals


Motivation is an important factor in productivity, but it’s not the only one. Your employees’ ability to execute their tasks and overcome obstacles also depends on factors like confidence and self-efficacy (i.e., how much they believe in their own abilities). This means that you have to find ways of supporting your team members emotionally as well as professionally—and there are many ways to do this. For example, by encouraging autonomy and flexible working hours where possible, you can show them that you trust them as individuals who know best how best to run their own lives. And by creating a culture of transparency at work where everyone feels comfortable speaking up about issues affecting motivation levels (like workloads), this will help keep morale high among all staff members!

Interesting Related Article: “Under Conditions of Uncertainty Intangible Motivation Comes Into Play

from Business, Economics and Finance News – UK / Global https://ift.tt/12nO9hu

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