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How to Use SMS To Increase Your Ecommerce Checkout Conversions

Are you looking for ways to increase your ecommerce checkout conversions? You may have heard about the power of SMS (short message service) marketing, but how can you use it to help boost your online sales? Read on to find out five great ways to use SMS to improve your ecommerce checkout conversions. 

1. Use SMS To Send Discounts and Promotional Codes

Leveraging SMS text messaging to send customers discounts and promotional codes can be a powerful way to increase ecommerce checkout conversions. Strategies like this affect people’s natural response to immediate, tangible rewards. SMS allows you to communicate directly with your customers on time, so you can deliver discounts and special offers when they are most likely to take action.

Ultimately, greater use of promotional offers and discounts is a crucial strategy for boosting loyalty to your business and expanding the customer base simply by making buying decisions more attractive for new and returning customers.

2. Offer Reminders Before Expiry Dates

Sending out expiry date reminders to customers gives them one last nudge to complete a checkout process and purchase the item. Not only do these notifications have a higher open rate than regular emails, but they are also read faster, driving a more immediate response from customers.

Text messages that communicate urgency can incentivize people to purchase immediately and get deals before expiration. As a bonus, these reminders are relatively quick and easy to set up – making it well worth the effort! Timely expiry date reminders via text message can help boost your ecommerce store’s total sales volume.

3. Send Automated Follow-up Messages

SMS follow-up messages are a valuable tool to help increase ecommerce checkout conversions. With automated SMS follow-ups, customers will have clear instructions on what to do next, helping them progress quickly through your checkout process. Strategic messages can also offer coupons or additional product information, incentivizing customers to buy and increasing conversions.

Automated messaging relieves you of the need to send out such communications manually; this saves valuable time and offers a convenient way of interacting with customers. Consider taking advantage of SMS follow-up messaging today to get the most out of your ecommerce business!

4. Implement Abandoned Cart Texts

Implementing abandoned cart texts can bring back customers who have left items in their shopping carts. Abandoned cart texts notify customers of the items left in their carts and remind them they won’t be waiting for them if they don’t complete checkout.

Reminders like this can trigger customers to finalize their purchases, resulting in new revenue for your business. Ensure your message is personalized and informative, including relevant information such as links or discount codes if applicable. Ultimately, let your customers know you value their time and want to ensure they get the best possible experience with their online shopping journey.

5. Create Personalized Text Message Campaigns

Messages tailored to individual customer needs can significantly impact the likelihood of making a sale in your ecommerce checkout process. With an SMS platform, you can send targeted messages that include customer-specific product offers, flash sales, or exclusive discounts for selected customers based on their purchase history.

You can also use scheduled campaigns to reach customers at varying intervals with reminders about their orders or information about new products they may like. With the right strategies, your SMS personalized campaigns will positively affect conversions and keep customers returning.

Final Thoughts

SMS marketing is quickly becoming one of the most powerful tools for boosting ecommerce checkout conversions. Many ways exist to leverage it to maximize sales and increase customer engagement with your brand. From offering discounts and promotional codes, sending automated follow-up messages, implementing abandoned cart texts, or creating personalized campaigns, these five strategies will help ensure you’re getting the most out of your efforts to increase sales through SMS marketing!

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