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Six Indicators That Your Mattress Needs to Be Replaced Right Away

You probably didn’t know this, but the mattress you sleep on has a limited lifespan. Though mattress brands may claim that their mattresses can last a lifetime, it’s not the case. Over time, even the most durable mattresses start to wear down, losing the support and comfort they were designed to provide. When that happens, you may experience restless nights and wake up unrested, and the best course of action would be to get your mattress replaced. 

That said, how do you tell if your mattress is losing its support and comfort? Or how do you know it’s about time to replace it? There are some signs you can watch out for. Let’s get into the signs that your mattress needs replacement. 

Tell-tale Signs Your Mattress Needs to Be Replaced Right Away

Even the best quality mattresses, such as the Sleepwell Pro Nexa foam mattresses, last no longer than seven years. If your mattress is older than this, throw it away and get a new one. However, age isn’t the only factor. Here are some signs you need a new mattress:

You are Struggling to Find a Comfortable Sleeping Position

It’s no secret that a comfortable sleep position sets the stage for a rejuvenating sleep experience. But if you toss and turn all night or struggle to find a comfortable position, your mattress might be to blame. 

An unsupportive or worn-out mattress can take a toll on sleep quality and lead to changes in behaviour and mental stress, interfering with your daily life. If you can’t find a comfortable position most nights, consider investing in a new mattress.

Your Body Needs are Changing

Change is inevitable, and it spares no one. The human body is no exception. Weight changes, medical conditions, and joint pain are common changes people experience. These changes can require a new mattress to meet evolving health needs. 

For example, weight gain or loss may require you to get a mattress with a high level of firmness. Likewise, joint pain or respiratory issues might require you to sleep on an orthopaedic mattress or one with anti-allergic technology. 

If your body needs are changing, it’s probably the best time to buy mattress that meets your evolving needs. 

You Experience Soreness or Stiffness Upon Waking

When a mattress is new, it offers excellent spinal support, ensuring you maintain a proper sleep posture without excessive sinking. However, as it ages, it loses its supportive properties, causing discomfort and stiffness. If you experience pain, stiffness, or soreness in the morning, your mattress has most likely lost its supportive properties, and it’s time you should change it.

Your Mattress is Sagging

Over time, even the most expensive mattresses sag, especially in areas of frequent pressure, such as the hips and upper back. This causes it to sag or have permanent body impressions. This uneven surface can be detrimental to your spinal health as it compromises spinal support, causing neck or lower back pain. If you see sagging or body impressions on your mattress, you should buy a new mattress.

You Wake Up Sweaty

Low-quality foam mattresses are infamous for their tendency to trap heat and prevent airflow, causing you to get hot and sweaty during sleep and experience night sweats. If you wake up sweaty, particularly in body areas in direct contact with the mattress, such as the back, it’s a pretty good sign that you need a new mattress. Consider replacing it with the best mattress in India that offers cooling technology or temperature regulation, such as Sleepwell’s Premium mattresses.

Allergens and Dust Mites

Did you know mattresses can be a breeding ground for allergens and dust mites over time? Mattresses, when not maintained properly, become a picnic spot for all kinds of pathogens, including mould, viruses, bacteria, and more, leading to allergies and skin issues among sleepers. These irritants can also cause sinus problems and itching. 

If you or your partner is developing allergies without any known reason, it may be your mattress. And it’s also a sign that you need a new mattress with anti-microbial technology. 

These signs suggest your current mattress is no longer suitable, and you should buy a new one that fits your needs. Look for a quality mattress that provides comfort, supports your spine, and offers pressure relief for a deep, restful sleep.

Mattress Lifespan and the Need for Replacement

Apart from the signs of a mattress going bad, experts say mattress lifespan is also a good indicator of whether you should buy a new mattress or not. Most types of mattresses have a lifespan of 5-7 years, while some may last longer depending on usage and materials. If your mattress is around seven years old, it’s probably time to get a new one.

However, some mattresses can deteriorate even before their expected lifespan. Factors affecting mattress lifespan include:


How long a mattress will last largely depends on the material used in its construction. For example, ordinary memory foam and innerspring mattresses have shorter lifespans. In contrast, Pro Nexa mattresses, made with top-notch Pro Nexa foam, tend to be more durable—often more than seven years. 


How well you take care of your mattress also plays a huge role in its longevity. Unsurprisingly, a well-maintained mattress is likely to last longer than an unkept mattress. As a general rule, you should rotate your mattress every three months or as recommended by the manufacturer. If you have kids or pets, it’s a good idea to use a mattress protector as it can prevent spills from entering the internal layers, extending its life.

Children and Pets

For families with children and pets, making mattresses last for more than five years is a challenge on its own. Since children and pets love to engage in playful activities like jumping and moving on mattresses, mattresses wear down sooner. So, if you have children or pets, you might need to replace your mattress more often.

Sleeper Size and Weight

Your body size and weight also can impact the lifespan of your mattress. If you are heavy, it may lose its supportive properties sooner, making it sag. The same goes for couples, who are more likely to replace their mattresses sooner than single sleepers.

Why You Should Not Sleep on a Bad Mattress

Sleeping on a bad mattress can cause a number of health problems, with chronic back pain being one of the most concerning. Here’s what you risk by not replacing your mattress:


A bad mattress disrupts deep sleep, making you wake up in the middle of the night and causing sleep deprivation. This results in feeling unrested, tired, and drowsy in the morning, affecting alertness and increasing the risk of mishaps at work, while driving, or during other activities.

Lower Back Pain

A mattress that loses its supportive properties fails to keep your spine aligned, significantly increasing the risk of developing lower back pain. Studies indicate that people who sleep on worn-out mattresses are more likely to develop chronic back pain compared to those who use overly-firm mattresses.

Weakened Immunity

A bad mattress can keep you awake all night, negatively affecting sleep quality. Research suggests that poor sleep quality can weaken your immune system as sleep helps release cytokines that help fight infections and illnesses. Without adequate sleep, your body produces fewer cytokines, reducing its ability to combat infections and recover from injuries.

Unhealthy Weight Gain

Poor sleep can also lead to unhealthy weight gain. By not getting enough sleep, you will feel tired the next day, and your brain will think you’re low on energy. This will make you eat compulsively. Many people also snack during the night when they wake up in the middle of the night. Over time, this can lead to weight gain and an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

Respiratory Problems

Since mattresses can be home to dust mites, allergens, and other harmful elements, you or your loved one may be at risk of developing respiratory illnesses such as asthma and bronchitis. 

Final Note

A bad mattress can severely impact your health, from disrupting sleep cycles to causing chronic back pain and weakened immunity. It’s crucial to recognize the signs of a mattress gone bad and replace it with one that supports your health.

When buying a new mattress, ensure it offers spinal support, comfort, and durability. Look for additional features such as anti-microbial properties, temperature regulation, and motion isolation, so you sleep comfortably and without disruption. Invest in your health and well-being by choosing the best mattress in India for a better night’s sleep.

from Health Archives - Market Business News https://ift.tt/DCJb9vx

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