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Staying Safe in the Sun: How Skin Check Keep You Protected

Summertime is here. Time to break out your swimsuit, hit the pool, and soak up some rays. But before you grab that tanning oil, it’s important to be smart about sun safety. As per experts like Sundoctors Australia, overexposure to UV rays is the number one cause of skin cancer. So how can you have fun in the sun while still protecting your skin? Getting regular skin check is key. Keep reading to learn how skin cancer clinics help you spot potential issues early and take control of your skin health.

Who’s At Risk for Skin Cancer?

Anyone can develop skin cancer, but your risk increases if you:

  • Have fair skin, light hair and eyes
  • Have a family history
  • Had bad sunburns as a kid
  • Use tanning beds frequently
  • Work outdoors

The more sun exposure you’ve had, the higher your risk. Protection is key.

How Skin Checks Help Prevent Cancer

Getting regular skin exams is one of the best ways to prevent skin cancer. Here’s how they help:

Catch Issues Early
Skin checks allow dermatologists to detect potential cancers when they are small and treatable. Skin cancer is very curable if found early. But if let untreated, it can spread and become life threatening.

Monitor Moles
Moles that start changing shape, size or color may be precancerous. A dermatologist can monitor moles at each visit to catch concerning changes right away. This allows early intervention before cancer develops.

Provide Expert Exams
Dermatologists are trained to examine all skin types and recognize signs of damage, lesions, and abnormal moles. They use dermatoscopes to magnify and light up the skin for better inspection. This level of examination is crucial for finding cancers that you might miss on your own.

Educate on Prevention
Skin cancer clinics emphasize sun protection and provide tips on safe sun habits. Wearing sunscreen daily, avoiding peak sun hours, and covering up are key for prevention.

Offer Ongoing Care
Skin checks are an ongoing partnership focused on early detection. Building a relationship with your dermatologist leads to better monitoring and care over time.

Provide Peace of Mind
Getting a clean bill of skin health from the dermatologist is very reassuring. It gives you confidence to enjoy the outdoors knowing your skin is protected.

How Often Should You Get Checked?

If you are 18+ with no symptoms or risk factors, get a full body screening every year. Those at higher risk may need checks every 3-6 months. Talk to your dermatologist about what’s right for you.

In addition, do monthly self-exams at home. Check all skin, including your back, scalp, soles of feet, between fingers and toes, and under nails. Note any new spots or changes in moles and report them at your next appointment.


Protect your skin, embrace the sunshine, and take control of your skin health through preventative screening. You’ll have the confidence to enjoy the outdoors and look great in that swimsuit knowing your skin is healthy and strong.

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from Health Archives - Market Business News https://ift.tt/tRTJPiV

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