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Adultery Paulo Coelho REVIEW



Paulo Coelho


Coelho’s disappointing new novel suffers from its lead individual’s navel-gazing. After an interview difficulty well-knownshows his mind approximately living a passionate life to buttoned-up Linda, a 30-something journalist, mom, and spouse to a loving, wealthy husband, she starts to agree with her very own life is empty. From there, she initiates an erotic affair with a high college boyfriend even after her first come-on leads him to suggest she enter marriage counseling. Her emotional nosedive includes an outrageous plan to win him over, and she ponderously dwells on John Calvin, St. Paul, King Solomon, Frankenstein, and Jekyll and Hyde. Coehlo’s fine paintings is personal and expansive, whether it issues a Jewish prophet inside the 9th century B.C.E. (The Fifth Mountain) or a young shepherd (The Alchemist) touring extensively in pursuit of treasure. Unfortunately, this novel’s restrained Geneva setting lacks expansiveness, and what's private quickly turns into plodding. For most of the story, Coelho abandons his beautifully spare, evocative prose in favor of overwrought sentences, returning to form handiest as the story nears its stop.

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