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The Devil and Miss Prym Paulo Coelho REVIEW

The Devil and Miss Prym

Paulo Coelho


New to the U.S. However first published in Europe in 1992, Coelho's trendy (following the bestselling The Zahir ) is an old college parable of right and evil. When a stranger enters the remoted mountain town of Viscos with the satan literally by using his facet, the widow Berta is aware of (due to the fact her deceased husband, with whom she communicates day by day, tells her) that a war for the city's souls has begun. The stranger, a former palms supplier, calls himself Carlos and proposes a guess to the metropolis: if someone turns up murdered inside every week, he'll provide the city enough gold to make all of us rich. Carlos ensures humans consider him with the aid of deciding on the town bartender, the orphan Chantal Prym, as his device: he shows her in which the gold is, confides that his spouse and kids were carried out through kidnapper terrorists (do not forget: 1992), and that he is hoping his perception that humans are basically evil could be vindicated. Chantal would like not anything better than to vanish with the gold herself and for that reason faces her personal dilemmas. Add in corrupt townspeople (including a priest), on occasion biting social observation and, distastefully, a completely closely stereotyped habitual town legend about an Arab named Ahab, and you've were given quite a little Garden of Eden potboiler. But the unsatisfying finishing shall we all and sundry off the hook and leaves questions putting like ripe apples.

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